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  • Keep your Username/Password secure and confidential at all times.
  • Always log out after you have completed your online banking session and close the browser window.
  • Try and clear your browser cache and history after each session.
  • Disable the auto-complete function on your browser: this will allow anyone who uses your computer to access your Username and Password.
  • Install anti-virus software, anti-spyware, and personal firewalls on your computer. Remember to implement the security updates.
  • Disable the “File and Printer Sharing” feature on your Operating System.
  • Check your account and transaction history details regularly for anything suspicious or unusual. Contact the bank immediately if you spot anything.
  • For HOME Broadband Router.
    • Change default password of “admin”.
    • Use complex non-dictionary word with 8 characters length as both admin and SSID passwords.
    • Use stronger encryption method like WPA2-AES.
    • Regular update firmware.
    • Enable MAC address for access control.


  • Use your online banking or e-commerce website if you have any doubts about its integrity. There are a number of fraudulent websites that try to imitate the appearance of reputable online banks and merchants.
  • Store your username/password in your browser. If asked reply “no”.
  • Open e-mail attachment or click on e-mails with embedded links from unknown, suspicious or unreliable sources. Delete such e-mails immediately.
  • Send sensitive account and personal information such as Username and Password via e-mail.
  • Connect to public or unknown Wifi hotspots to access online banking or e-commerce website.